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Jarir Bookstore
Jarir is the most popular retailer in Saudi Arabia where you can get your hands on everything from the latest in tech like Smart TVs, Smartphones, Gaming Consoles to School and Office Supplies, Art and Craft Products, Books and a whole lot more.
Jarir ensures its customers are treated to the best shopping experience, by providing a great atmosphere, a wide selection of quality merchandise and fantastic customer service! The Jarir eGift card makes the decision of choosing a gift for your loved one very simple, especially if you are not decided on what you were going to get, or if you are don’t have time to go shopping for that perfect gift! You choose the amount and send them the eGift card, while they get to enjoy their shopping experience and choose what they want to use it on! With so much to choose from, you can gift this to anybody, of any age group, on a Birthday, Anniversary, Housewarming Celebration, Eid, Valentine’s Day, Teachers Day, or even if you just want to say “Thank You”, “Congratulations” or “Well Done”. One thing is for sure, there’s a perfect gift for anyone at a Jarir bookstore!
You can even customize your Jarir eGift card and choose a theme from our many designs which cover all occasions and events, and then personalise it with a message, picture or a video, and send it instantly or schedule a perfect time in advance. Your loved one will receive their Jarir Gift card conveniently on their email or via SMS, with an exciting digital unwrapping experience. They can then walk into any of the listed Jarir stores located in Qatar or shop online on the Jarir website with their Jarir eGift card and receive the gifts of their choice! This is gifting made easy, fun, convenient and safe! This is gifting with YouGotaGift!
  • Jarir Bookstore eGift card is redeemable at Jarir bookstore showrooms in Qatar.
  • This eGift card is valid only for one transaction / one-time use and not reloadable.
  • This eGift card cannot be exchanged for cash or extended when expired.
  • This eGift card cannot be returned or refunded and cannot be replaced if lost or stolen
  • If the product that was purchased with this eGift card were to be returned, the customer will not be given a refund of eGift card value in cash, but the product can be exchanged with another product that is available at Jarir, with the same value as the eGift card used.
  • This eGift card is valid until the expiry date.
  • Jarir Bookstore has the right to reject a Jarir eGift card if the code has been already used.
  • For store locations, please visit: and choose Qatar from the country list.
  • Digital products cannot be purchased using vouchers or from the account balance on the site.
  • Expired eGift Cards cannot be extended, exchanged or refunded.
  • eGift Cards once issued cannot be canceled, exchanged, extended or refunded and are subject to the terms & conditions of the merchant.
  • Items purchased using this eGift Card are refundable as per the refund and exchange policy of the merchant. The merchant is solely responsible for the product & service provided to customers through the use of this eGift Card.