Woodland is a brand that embodies the true spirit of adventure. Offering premium performance apparel, footwear, and outdoor gear, Woodland equips you for every journey. Whether you’re exploring the wilderness or navigating urban terrain, Woodland ensures you are always ready for the unknown.
Shopping at Woodland is an experience designed for those who seek adventure. From rugged footwear to durable outdoor gear, Woodland offers products that perform in the toughest conditions. With a Woodland Gift Card, you can enjoy a cashless shopping experience, making it easy to gear up for your next adventure. Whether you’re in-store or online, Woodland’s products ensure you’re always prepared for whatever comes next.
A Woodland eGift Card is the perfect gift for outdoor enthusiasts, travelers, or anyone with a passion for adventure. You can even customize your Woodland eGift Card and choose a theme from our many designs which cover all occasions and events, and then personalise it with a message, picture, or a video, and send it instantly or schedule a perfect time in advance. Your loved one will receive their Woodland eGift Card conveniently on their email or via SMS, with an exciting digital unwrapping experience. They can then walk into any Woodland store with their Woodland Gift Card and walk out with the gifts of their choice! This is gifting made easy, fun, convenient and safe! This is gifting with YouGotaGift!
About this Gift Card
Terms & Conditions
- This is a Woodland eGift Card and is accepted at Woodland stores.
- To know the locations, please visit the following link: https://www.woodlandworldwide.com/store?srsltid=AfmBOoo7dnzD5T65z0m7PXWq189MhZgADua7f_n4zCFhRtlxoy4wRyFo.
- The person who has the Woodland eGift Card code is deemed to be the beneficiary.
- Only the listed Woodland outlets, at their sole discretion, accept the eGift Card. Woodland may add or remove outlets without prior notice.
- Multiple eGift Cards can be used against a single bill.
- This is a one-time-use eGift Card.
- No credit note or refund will be issued for any unused balance on the eGift Card.
- The Woodland eGift Card cannot be revalidated once expired.
- The eGift Card can be used during sales.
- Any disputes related to the eGift Card should be referred to the issuing company, and the company's decision will be final.
- Woodland makes every effort to accept eGift Cards, but outlets may refuse acceptance due to technical or administrative reasons.
- eGift Cards once issued cannot be canceled, exchanged, extended or refunded and are subject to the terms & conditions of the merchant.
- Items purchased using this eGift Card are refundable as per the refund and exchange policy of the merchant. The merchant is solely responsible for the product & service provided to customers through the use of this eGift Card.